Bransford Staff Favorites Lists!
Gerdes | Erin | Principal | 28-Dec |
Allen | Kelly | Assistant Principal | 7-Sep |
Sartin | Shelly | Admin Assist. | 2-Apr |
Brumley | Charlotte | Office/Student Data | 27-May |
Bernsen | Andrea | Nurse | 29-Apr |
Perkins | Heather | Counselor | 9-Jan |
Gibson | Joy | Learning Liaison | 2-Nov |
Drysdale | Delana | Pre-K | 27-Feb |
Evans | Lindsey | Pre-K Para | 10-Nov |
Bradberry | Michelle | PK | 16-May |
Comber | Ana | Pre-K Assist. | 6-Mar |
Allenbaugh | Ashley | Kinder | 16-Feb |
Morgan | Emily | Kinder | 8-Feb |
Nation | Robert | Kinder | 3-Jul |
Brownfield | Shelby | 1st | 1-Aug |
Hill | Jeanette | 1st | 26-Jul |
Owens | Kellie | 1st | 12-Jun |
Patrick | Laila | 1st | 19-Oct |
Bryant | Jennifer | 2nd | 29-Dec |
Richardson | Kristen | 2nd | 7-Dec |
Woodcock | Tovah | 2nd | 16-Sep |
Diaz | Alex | 3rd Math/Science | 25-Nov |
Delfeld | Megan | 3rd ELA/SS | 2-Aug |
Flink | Jenna | 3rd ELA/SS | 21-Jun |
Kaufmann | Corrie | 3rd | 20-Feb |
Gregston | Julianna | 4th | |
Kaufmann | Alex | 4th | 6-Jul |
Patterson | Alex | 4th | 10-Dec |
Cooper | Melissa | 5th Math | 14-Dec |
Estes | Angela | 5th | |
McAllister | Peyton | 5th ELA | 17-Dec |
Benson | Ashley | Music | 1-Sep |
Culpepper | Jennie | Theater | 26-Aug |
Maninger | Lunday | Art | 8-Feb |
Smith | Bethany | PE | 20-Nov |
Pepe | Victoria | PE Assist | 10-Jan |
Jauch | Sarah | SPED | 4-May |
Gantos | Stacia | RISE | 1-Apr |
Gatzemeyer | Patty | SPED | 17-Mar |
McKinley | Shana | SPED Nurse | 1-May |
Jeannette | Corrie | SPED Para | 28-May |
Mahmood | Azra | RISE Para | 22-Sep |
Medina | Tanya | SPED Para | 10-Sep |
Middlebrooks | Tiffany | K-5/Para/RISE | 5-Jun |
Phelps | Tamela | SPED | 9-Jan |
Seaver | Nicole | SPED | 6-Sep |
Brock | Nancy | Librarian | 27-Jun |
Clark | Danielle | Literacy Interventionist | 19-Feb |
Gray | Alli | SLP | 26-Mar |
Keill | Kanesha | Ed. Diagnostician | 17-Apr |
Patton | Colleen | GT LEAD | 18-Jan |
Rothgeb | Kelly | Literacy Interventionist | 26-Jul |
Chamberlin | David | Technology | 23-Feb |
Davis | Sharon | 4-Jul | |
Grisso | Officer T. | SRO | 17-Apr |
Rubalcaba | Rodrigo | Custodial | 10-May |
Sonic Drinks
All Staff Sonic Drink List
(These are in order by group/grade. Scroll to find your staff member!)
Amazon Wishlists (if your staff is not listed, please reach out to them for the current wishlist)
Delana Drysdale
Lindsey Evans
Michelle Bradberry
Ana Comber
Ashley Allenbaugh Amazon Wish List
Emily Morgan
Robert Nation. Amazon Wishlist
Kellie Owens
Shelby Brownfield Amazon Wish List
Laila Patrick
Jeanette Hill Amazon Wishlist
Tovah Woodcock Amazon Wishlist
Kristen Richardson
Jennifer Bryant
Alex Diaz
Jenna Flink
Corrie Kaufmann Amazon Wish List
Megan Delfeld Amazon Wishlist
Juliana Gregston
Al Kaufmann
Alex Patterson
Angela Estes Amazon Wish List
Melissa Cooper Amazon Wish List
Peyton McAllister
Nancy Brock- Librarian Library Wishlist
Lunday Maninger
Ashley Benson - Music Music Wishlist
Bethany Smith - PE
Victoria Pepe- PE para
Jennie Culpepper- Theater Theater Wishlist
Kanesha Keill- Diagnostician
Mario Morales - Psychologist
Allí Gray- Speech
Colleen Patton- GT GT Wishlist
Kelly Rothgeb- Literacy Support Amazon Wishlist
Danielle Clark- Literacy Support
David Chamberlin - Technologist
Office Staff
Erin Gerdes - Principal
Kelly Allen- Assistant Principal
Shelly Sartin - Admin Assistant
Charlotte Brumley- Student Data Secretary
Heather Perkins - Counselor
Andrea Bernsen- Nurse
Joy Gibson- Learning Liaison
Special Services
RISE Teacher Stacia Gantos
МАС Nurse Shana McKinley
Special Services K-1-2 Sarah Gaugh
Special Services 3-4-5 Patty Gatzmeyer
Para RISE Corie Dirickson
Para RSIE Azra Mahmood
Para RISE Tiffany Middlebrooks
Para RISE Nicole Seaver
Para K-1-2 Tanya Medina
Para 3-4-5 Tamela Phelps
Custodian- Rodrigo
Cafeteria-Sharon Davis
Dorothy Amiekumo
Laetitia Nura
Tommy- Maintenance
SRO- Officer Grisso.
KidzU Coordinator- Michelle McNeely
Mandie & Maddie
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
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